Jackson, WI | (262) 408-3971

Hometown Auto

At Hometown Auto Sales we like to think we’re not your “typical” auto dealership. We realize how difficult buying a used car can be. You want to be sure you’re getting a reliable, safe vehicle at a fair price that you’ll be happy with for a long time to come. As a full-service auto maintenance and repair shop, we started selling vehicles because our customers wanted to buy their used cars from someone they knew they could trust and who would stand by them. A good reputation takes a long time to build and comes from always doing the right thing, especially for those who put their trust in you. We take that very seriously, which is why at Hometown our slogan is ‘Working to earn your trust each and every day’. Let us earn yours!
Monday - Friday        8:00AM - 6:00PM
Saturday                     8:00AM - 12:00PM
Sunday                       Closed

(262) 376-1235
